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Michelle Couch

Jr. Escrow Officer to Monica Hernandez

mcouch@wfgtitle.comDirect: 602-648-0429

11201 N Tatum Blvd., Suite 115 Phoenix, AZ 85028

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Sarah Estrada

Escrow Officer

SEstrada@wfgtitle.comDirect: 602-648-0425

11201 N Tatum Blvd., Suite 115 Phoenix, AZ 85028

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Kristi Gray

Sales Executive

KGray@wfgtitle.comDirect: 480-910-4015

11201 N Tatum Blvd., Suite 115 Phoenix, AZ 85028

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Monica Hernandez

Escrow Officer

MonicaH@wfgtitle.comDirect: 602-648-3297

11201 N Tatum Blvd., Suite 115 Phoenix, AZ 85028

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Allison Hudgins

Branch Manager

AHudgins@wfgtitle.comDirect: 602-648-0421
Cell: 602-619-1848

11201 N Tatum Blvd., Suite 115 Phoenix, AZ 85028

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Grace Kandrack

Escrow Assistant to Kate Lopez

gkandrack@wfgtitle.comDirect: 602-648-0427

11201 N Tatum Blvd., Suite 115 Phoenix, AZ 85028

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Kate Lopez

Escrow Officer

Klopez@wfgtitle.comDirect: 602-648-0424
Cell: 602-301-5184

11201 N Tatum Blvd., Suite 115 Phoenix, AZ 85028

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Asal Wade

Escrow Assistant to Sarah Estrada

awade@wfgtitle.comDirect: 602-648-3298

11201 N Tatum Blvd., Suite 115 Phoenix, AZ 85028

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Emily Wilson

Escrow Assistant to Monica Hernandez

ewilson@wfgtitle.comDirect: 602-648-0426

11201 N Tatum Blvd., Suite 115 Phoenix, AZ 85028