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Title Industry Leader Patrick Stone Offers His Observations, Predictions, and Strategic Advice During WFG’s Q2 Economic Outlook Webinar

Currently in its third year, WFG’s Quarterly Economic Outlook webinar series has gained significant traction as a vehicle to connect and communicate with title insurance and settlement services professionals. More than 1,000 industry professionals registered for the company’s recent Q2 2023 webinar, including real estate agents and brokers, title agents, and mortgage lenders, nationwide.

At the time of registration, participants were given the opportunity to submit questions, which WFG Founder and Chairman Patrick Stone and fellow presenter Bill Conerly, Ph.D. answered live during the second half of the hour-long webinar. Topics addressed during the webinar included short- and long-term outlooks for the housing and title insurance industries, property valuation trends, title alternative use, commercial real estate lending and refinancing trends, regional real estate activity, and the impact and use of AI on the title industry. Stone also provided suggestions on how business owners can take advantage of the current economic downturn. 

The following is a summary of the key observations and predictions Stone expressed during his portion of WFG’s 2nd Quarter Economic Outlook webinar.